Ah gracias! And what's so evil with you? You've got a Messenger Bag, so you are, again, a mere Evil Strawberry Guy to me! :P~
<- hoy sabo como a madres -> /la comida aqui en el extranjero es muy mala/
I'm exhausted. After 3.5 days in the evil USA and 1/2 traveling across Mexico I am very tired. My feet hurt so bad that i'd rather crawl than walk another evil step in this evil country.
But it's ok, I'm happy with a new little evil cow and a brand new evil messenger-bag -which is evil because my evil aunt said that the evil store where i got it is "anti-gringa", I think I support them in that policy- and many new jeans -they are not evil, because... well, jeans can't be evil, they are not alive-
My evil dad is talking about his frustrated evil dream of being an evil fighter-pilot serving the USA evil army... Do I have an evil frustrated dream? ummm, maybe... i could have been an evil illustrator... Evil illustrator? that sounds weird...
Anyway, the whole evil me is a construct of evil weirdnezz. I think I won the award of Mr -evil- Weird among my not-so-normal evil friends -yes, it was some kind of "Miss Universo" evil contest-
I don't regret that. I like me, the same way I like the evil green and the evil music. The same way I like the evil in you.
_______________1 Comments:
You won a contest too! YAY! Hooray for the 2 of us!
And USA is NOT evil!
pipope por nacimiento
cholulo por suerte
toluco por patria y provincia
maño por regresar
regio por el momento
y todo porque sí
La vida se conecta de maneras extrañas... arku
how to be an ark and survive